Mountain Momma
I lift up my gaze to the mountains above. I call to the Father for His bounty of love. These hills hold our loved ones bound up by their choices. Come deliver our children, can you not hear the voices? They are broken and torn, they are weary in heart, -but salvation is calling, let me be a part! I stand in the gap for my children and more, -all those in these mountains on every lake shore. Let my prayers cover the mist, be in each morning dew. Cover all with Your mercy and the goodness of You! Let the wind carry conviction, the rivers Your grace. Move all of our families into Your Kingdom place. I am calling out to the harvest as I stand in this field. This is one Mountain Momma that is ready to yield. We mothers are ready, we are here to proclaim, -that our sons and our daughters, they will carry Your name!
Written by Angelea Paugh