by: Krista Lesher
July 19, 2019-September 28, 2019
70 Days
ETO-Expect The Outpouring became the SUMMERSVILLE OUTPOURING
10 WEEK REVIVAL that began as a 3 Day Conference
Oh, what God can do…
The story I am about to tell is of an event that took place in Summersville, West Virginia. It is an event that many over the years had soaked in prayer and tarried for. It is an event that I pray will be talked about in years to come because of how it impacted hundreds of lives. It became a spark, a precursor, and the beginning of what the Lord birthed in the city of Mt. Nebo, West Virginia and became a resting place in Summersville, West Virginia. There was a Fire that fell upon this city that began July 19, 2019. A Fire that touched me, my entire church, and entire community. I, personally, would never be the same.
I knew the Lord wanted me to tell this story so things would never be forgotten about all the Lord did in this season. If He could do it for us, He could and would do it for others. This was the birthing ground of something bigger than us, bigger than our churches, and something bigger than our city. It was the heart of revival to spread across our state and throughout the land. It was the promises of God coming to pass right before our eyes that many could be won to the Kingdom. It was Jesus coming down and touching us right where we were, Fire falling upon us, tongues of fire resting upon us as is spoken in the book of Acts. It was the Holy Spirit manifesting right before us in signs, wonders, and miracles. This event that I am speaking of started as a three-day youth and young adult conference called ETO and later became known as the Summersville Outpouring!
I recently had a dream that I believe sets a precedence for this book and will help bring it all together.
I was sitting at a table in what seemed like a kitchen. At the table with me was a much older woman. I could not see her face, but I knew she was very special and her purpose for being there was of great importance. Also, at the table was one of my nieces who is in her teens and known to be a very sweet young lady. I was sitting at the table, in the middle, between the two. This table was a round table which stood out to me. The older woman grabbed my niece’s hand as if imparting something to her as I was in the middle of them.
I believe the interpretation of this dream is a representation of three generations. The importance of the older generation and the younger generation coming together for such a time as this, is of great importance for the end of time harvest of souls we are about to see. We must be willing to tap into the prayers and wisdom of the older generation, unite it with the zeal and passion of the younger generation, and realize we all make up the Bride of Christ. I believe my generation is vital to help bridge the gap for the older and the younger to unite. We all have a job to do. Time is short, so the time is now to get busy. I believe the round table we were setting at was a representation of unity. I believe we are about to see this come full circle. Sit back and enjoy the read and realize that the Lord desires for you to encounter Him as never before.
The story I am about to tell is of an event that took place in Summersville, West Virginia. It is an event that many over the years had soaked in prayer and tarried for. It is an event that I pray will be talked about in years to come because of how it impacted hundreds of lives. It became a spark, a precursor, and the beginning of what the Lord birthed in the city of Mt. Nebo, West Virginia and became a resting place in Summersville, West Virginia. There was a Fire that fell upon this city that began July 19, 2019. A Fire that touched me, my entire church, and entire community. I, personally, would never be the same.
I knew the Lord wanted me to tell this story so things would never be forgotten about all the Lord did in this season. If He could do it for us, He could and would do it for others. This was the birthing ground of something bigger than us, bigger than our churches, and something bigger than our city. It was the heart of revival to spread across our state and throughout the land. It was the promises of God coming to pass right before our eyes that many could be won to the Kingdom. It was Jesus coming down and touching us right where we were, Fire falling upon us, tongues of fire resting upon us as is spoken in the book of Acts. It was the Holy Spirit manifesting right before us in signs, wonders, and miracles. This event that I am speaking of started as a three-day youth and young adult conference called ETO and later became known as the Summersville Outpouring!
I recently had a dream that I believe sets a precedence for this book and will help bring it all together.
I was sitting at a table in what seemed like a kitchen. At the table with me was a much older woman. I could not see her face, but I knew she was very special and her purpose for being there was of great importance. Also, at the table was one of my nieces who is in her teens and known to be a very sweet young lady. I was sitting at the table, in the middle, between the two. This table was a round table which stood out to me. The older woman grabbed my niece’s hand as if imparting something to her as I was in the middle of them.
I believe the interpretation of this dream is a representation of three generations. The importance of the older generation and the younger generation coming together for such a time as this, is of great importance for the end of time harvest of souls we are about to see. We must be willing to tap into the prayers and wisdom of the older generation, unite it with the zeal and passion of the younger generation, and realize we all make up the Bride of Christ. I believe my generation is vital to help bridge the gap for the older and the younger to unite. We all have a job to do. Time is short, so the time is now to get busy. I believe the round table we were setting at was a representation of unity. I believe we are about to see this come full circle. Sit back and enjoy the read and realize that the Lord desires for you to encounter Him as never before.
-Krista Lesher