From heaven The Lord looks down and sees all mankind; Psalms 33:13
By Becky Keener
I dreamt I was setting in a restaurant after closing hours. We were having a church service. I believe it was a revival meeting. The guest speaker was a known pastor in the area and he came to preach to us. His name was Rodney. This preacher had a lot of anointing around him . I could feel the presence of God as he moved through the room preaching the gospel, and speaking to the people. At one point, I leaned up against my mom, and she put her arm around me as I wept. I felt the presence of the Lord and the anointing. I could not keep from weeping. For some reason, I could not hear what he had to say, but I could feel God. It was like his words had no sound or perhaps they had little volume. Everyone else seemed to hear him and was praising God and cheering him on because he apparently had a message they liked. It was obvious he was anointed. He could hear the voice of God and speak to people prophetically, although he was not a prophet. He was a shepherd in the area and our guest speaker. He came to the back row where my mom and I were setting. He touched our hands and squeezed them a little. I suppose to bless us. I’m not sure. I was thankful he came to us because there was an anointing on him and I wanted to be close to that. He continued ministering in the room and maneuvering back-and-forth amongst the people preaching and speaking the Word of God to them. He came toward us again in the back row and he asked this question. “Who back here travels on a regular basis? It’s part of what you do.” He was sensing that there was someone the Lord was sending out in travels and he had a Word from God for them. I raised my hand as my mom elbowed me and said, “That’s you.” A man that was seated to my left, about four or five chairs down, also raised his hand. The preacher asked the man, “What do you do?” The man said, “I am a traveling Evangelist.” He looked at me and he asked, “What do you do?” I said, “The same. I am a traveling Evangelist.” The pastor had an odd look on his face when I said that. He never said a word. Then he went over and sat down beside the man. There he spoke with the man and gave him the Word of the Lord and spoke into his life. Again, I could not hear his words. Once again it was as though there was no sound or little volume. Yet, those around him could hear him, and I could hear the people praising God and celebrating what the Lord was speaking into the Evangelist. I waited for the preacher to come over and share that information with me, but he did not. It was clear that he dismissed me and rejected me as a woman Evangelist. I never said anything. I simply waited to see if he would speak with me later or perhaps in private. The meeting ended and people were leaving the building, shaking hands and elaborating on how good the meeting was. I wanted to give the preacher a chance to talk to me about what the Lord said about traveling Evangelists. However, he avoided me and made it clear that he did not want to share the information with me. I knew he had heard from God and that he was an anointed preacher, however it was evident that he did not believe in women Evangelists or women in ministry in any capacity. I was not angry with him, but I was hurt. It was obvious how he felt. It was obvious that many in the room followed him as a Shepherd and respected him as a preacher. Many believed as he did. He clearly influenced them with his beliefs. It was a public rejection to me as a woman. Again I was not angry, but I was hurt. I was disappointed and dismissed. The incident did not cause me to question the call of God on my life. I knew I was a preacher and that I traveled, and that I was an Evangelist. That’s not all I was, but it was a part of who I am. I was hurt and very disappointed in his attitude toward me and the belief system of those that were in the room. Again, it did not cause me to question the call of God on my life. I never questioned God, not one time. Once everyone was gone, I was left in the restaurant with my mom and a few ladies cleaning up the kitchen area. I then noticed my dad was there. I did not realize that he had been in the meeting, but he had been. He was there to listen and to observe. It was obvious to me that my dad was upset in the way that the preacher had publicly treated me. It was clear the preacher avoided me because of my gender. He was anointed by God and called by God to preach the gospel. However, when it came to a woman preacher or a woman Evangelist, he deliberately dismissed that because he believed it was wrong and unbiblical. My dad called him on the phone to discuss the matter with him. He explained to the preacher that he was disappointed and hurt over the way the meeting went and the way I was treated. It hurt my dad to see me publicly dismissed. My dad shared his heart with the preacher in honor and sincerity. He observed the meeting and discussed that thoroughly with him. I could not hear the preacher talking to my dad, but I knew by my dad‘s facial expressions that the preacher said things to my dad that upset him. I knew the preacher was being sharp with his words and that he was probably telling him something like , “women cannot be preachers.” I had a sense that the preacher was taking a bold stand in his opinion, and it was upsetting my dad. Then my dad sat down at a round table with a Bible and a notepad. He attempted to talk with the preacher about scriptures and offered to explain the truth in the written Word of God. I could tell by my dad‘s body language, and the tone of his voice that the preacher was not hearing him. He was not listening to him at all. He did not have an open mind to hear or receive what my dad had to say to him. At one point, I heard my dad say, “You don’t really want to learn this. I can teach you, but you don’t want it.” My dad was now agitated because the preacher was unteachable. Yes, he was anointed. Yes, he was called by God. Yes, he could hear the voice of the Lord and speak into peoples lives to help them and encourage them. Yes, he could do all those things. However, he was unteachable in one area and that was the area of women in ministry. He had a stubborn wall in his mind, and he was not willing to study the scriptures to dig out the truth about God’s women. At one point, my mom said to my dad, “Just leave that alone. He does not want to hear it.” However, my dad did not stop. He continued in his conversation with the preacher and wanted to teach him the truth about the scriptures. He asked the preacher, “Do you even study your Bible?” The preacher was taking scripture out of their intended context and was not open to learn the truth. I said to my mom, “Just leave that alone because this conversation needs to take place.” I woke up. This is not the first dream I have had about Shepherds in the recent months. I believe this is self explanatory and there’s no need to elaborate. It is obvious that our Heavenly Father is observing our gatherings right now. Things pertaining to his sons and daughters are hurting his heart and He is addressing this issue. I do not know what that will look like, but I trust The Lord to reconcile His people. He is a good Father to men and women alike. FYI: Rodney is believed to mean "joyful." I believe his name was speaking of the anointing. My dad represented our Father. My mom represented the Church. The local restaurant represented a local church community. The phone call represented a "calling out." Pray for our current Shepherds and rising Shepherds. Becky Keener
In a dream, I saw a large river. The water was choppy due to increasing winds from an approaching storm. The water was moving swiftly toward a water fall. Groups of people, were standing on log rafts as they sailed the swift water. They were aware of the stormy atmosphere and knew their end lied ahead of them. Their leader, who wore a pirate’s hat, knew what was coming. He was aware of the storm too. He knew their end was near. As he stood alone on his raft and looked ahead, he pulled out his hairbrush and brushed his hair. I’m not sure of the number of individual rafts that followed him, but there were several. I looked over at a raft following the leader. I saw a married couple caressing each other and saying their goodbyes. They knew they were approaching a water fall and that they would not survive it. The husband looked at his wife with sadness as she said, “but we have love.” Then, they kissed. I understood her to mean that they loved each other and knew God loved them too. They were saved though they would not survive the fall. They would make it to Heaven. I looked farther across the river and saw a large log raft that held a small group of about 20-30 people. On this raft, stood two men caring for them. One man seemed to be the main leader as the other assisted him. These men were totally unaware of the storm and had no clue of the upcoming water fall. They never looked up or around to check their surroundings. They kept their heads down as the fervently focused on the babies they were tending to. These men worked continuously feeding babies, changing babies, and holding babies. They were their sole caregivers. I peered in a little more to get a better view. What I saw was startling. I struggle to describe the horrible scene. The babies were not actual babies but were severely deformed adults. Their faces were twisted with extreme deformation. They were scary to look at. I knew they suffered from severe malnutrition. They could not walk, talk, dress themselves, eat solid food, or even think on their own. The only thing they had ever eaten was milk. The lack of nutrients destroyed their bodies and they never developed into healthy adults. These two men never looked up, never rested, and was oblivious to the doom that lied ahead. They were about to be taken by surprise by the water fall. I woke up. As I prayed and pondered what The Lord was telling me. It came to me that these were two types of congregations lead by two types of pastors. There are many details in this dream. I will share some important points. The first congregation had spiritual insight and loved God, yet they were embellished with vanity. They were well aware of their surroundings and the spiritual climate. Their end was coming, yet it was more important to them to look good. The pastor clearly focused on his image. The people followed their pastor in his vanity as though they endorsed that kind of behavior. They too seemed to carry spiritual pride. By the appearance of their rafts, their foundation was strong; the leader obviously taught them well. However, they got lost at sea with glitz and glamour! Vanity was greater than their Fear of the Lord. I say this because I saw no one prayed to The Lord! No one humbled themself under the mighty hand of God acknowledging Him or asking Him for help. It was as though they accepted the fact that their end was near. They totally neglected looking to God for mercy. No one prayed. No one worshiped God. They were entirely self-focused. The leader just brushed his hair! According to Merriam-Webster, vanity is: 1. Inflated pride in oneself or one's appearance : conceit. 2. Something that is vain, empty or valueless. “Whatever my eyes desired I did not keep from them. I did not withhold my heart from any pleasure, For my heart rejoiced in all my labor; And this was my reward from all my labor. Then I looked on all the works that my hands had done and on the labor in which I had toiled; And indeed all was vanity and grasping for the wind. There was no profit under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 2:10-11 NKJV “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.” Philippians 2:3-4 NKJV The second congregation was almost lifeless. To say that they were immature Christians is an understatement. I have no words to describe their deformities and weaknesses. They did not have the intelligence to know what deformity, weakness, and immaturity meant. Their two leaders were their two shepherds. Perhaps a pastor and a deacon. These two men never looked up. They had no clue they were in a storm. They were afloat life's troubled seas, but did not know it. They appeared to work day in and day out tending to their congregation, yet neglecting to focus on growth and development. Having no knowledge of the things of the spirit, the best they could do was keep their congregation alive. I believe this meant they were saved, but nothing more. These were scarcely living their life waiting to make it to heaven. This kind of immaturity is extremely dangerous and equally as self-focused. They were nearing their end. These two men not only neglected to ask God for help, there was an entire congregation on their raft and no one was capable of lifting a finger to help. Again, I saw no one humble themself and pray to God asking Him for mercy. I share this dream as a genuine concern for this generation. I'm sorry, but my grandchildren need much more than this!!! Their life and future depend on It. God's plan is and has always been to redeem a Bride and have intimate fellowship with her! She is destined to be a warrior Bride, born to destroy the works of the devil and release His Kingdom on the earth. Neither congregation even scratched the surface! My prayer (agree with me please) is that God will raise up 'His leaders' that are tried and true! Leaders that are in love with God having a fiery intimate relationship with The Lord, Jesus Christ. No intimacy with God, no leader! I'm asking The Lord to raise up His Bride in this hour to co-labor with Him to train up a generation in the way they should go! I'm asking that Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers rise and the setting down of those who have missed the mark. I'm not saying these are the only two types of churches we have, but they are two types of what is out there. Vanity and Immaturity! May God consume us with His love! The only antidote that comes to my mind is the fiery love of God! That we love Him more than anything and submit to all that He asks of us. That we would carry a fire and a zeal to carry out heaven's purpose on this earth. That we desire to be strong, Spirit-filled and powerful followers of Jesus because we love Him! That we would love our neighbor as we love ourself wanting them to love Him and carry His power too! That our grandchildren's future and spiritual life would mean more than our image. God hep us! Help us to look to you in all things and disciple mature, healthy Christians that are in love with you! Ones with the power to weather any storm never neglecting to worship you! Set me as a seal upon your heart, As a seal upon your arm; For love is as strong as death, Jealousy as cruel as the grave; Its flames are flames of fire, A most vehement flame. Many waters cannot quench love, Nor can the floods drown it. If a man would give for love All the wealth of his house, It would be utterly despised. Song of Solomon 8: 6-7 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:1-8b Becky Keener Shepherd's Movement: "It's Time to Align." In a dream, I saw a pastor going through applications. He and his wife were feeling the call to move. I saw and heard this same pastor being accused of past mistakes. His only reply, “I did not cross every T or dot every I, but I have changed.” He seemed frustrated at the man who was bringing up his past. This accuser covered his head with a hoodie as the expression on his face revealed that he was up to no good. I saw another pastor in the dream that was leaving his church. He had resigned. He said that he was tired of all the knit picking in his church. I knew from the Spirit this was mostly coming from church leaders. He simply could not handle the stress of shepherding as it had taken a toll on him physically. He wisely chose his health and family. I woke up saying, “Shepherds Movement.” I knew that I wasn’t speaking of a spiritual movement, but a physical one. There are pastors out there that The Lord is moving. It is your time to align! O’ yes! I believe we will see another Shepherd’s Movement to redeem what was ruined in the first one and I believe we will see the establishing of the Five Fold Ministry! Ephesians 4:11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, 13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 14 that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, 15 but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ— 16 from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love. It is time to align and yield to the Scriptures. As a minster with an apostolic alignment, I cannot imagine serving God in the ministry without the gifts He has given us, -especially the gifts of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. We need God and we need each other! For some pastors it is The Lord moving you from a place of much stress and anxiety to a place of peace and purpose. You need a breakthrough and The Lord knows that. He sees your desire to follow Him and obey Him in that which you are called. It’s time to possess your field! Keep pressing in! For some pastors The Lord is calling you to a time of rest and healing. Your soul and your body need healing. This transition is not about failure or rejection, but healing. The Lord loves you and your family. He has His best waiting for you. Follow Him even though you might not understand. Agree with me in prayer for pastors. I sense change coming to some of them. Honestly, I think we need to see change for many of them. I believe it is crucial to be aligned as The Lord has purposed. There is a harvest to be harvested, many sick in need of healing and miracles, many need freedom and discipled in the ways of the Lord. Pray that The Fold Ministry is established in your area, and pray that your pastors will get the help they need as The Lord brings change. Becky Keener, Mountain Momma July 25, 2023 12/31/2022 0 Comments The Father's WatchIn a dream, I walked into a sophisticated lobby. It could have been a five star hotel lobby. I’m not quite sure, but it was nice. I looked around and immediately knew I was in a vision. I knew I was in the spirit realm. I quietly prayed asking The Lord to sustain me. I didn’t want to miss this appointment by waking up too soon. I sat down at a bar and someone said that God wanted to talk to me. I said, “ok” and was given an old style telephone, the kind with a cord. I asked for God’s number. I was told to first dial 0 then 1234567. So I did. A receptionist answered the phone. I assumed I was talking with an angel. I gave her my name and told her I wanted to speak to FATHER. She told me to hold just for a minute. She returned to the phone and I knew God was in the room with this angel listening to our conversation. I could almost see FATHER, but my eyes were unable to peer in further. She asked me what I wanted to talk with Him about. I asked, “Is He helping my daughter?” She relayed the questioned to Him and replied, “Yes He is.” I asked, “Is He helping my son?” She again relayed the question to Him and replied, “Yes He is.” I wanted to cry but wanted to be present in this conversation. I didn’t want to miss anything. Then revelation of My FATHER hit my heart. I Knew He was always watching! He had His eyes locked on everything! “I will lift up my eyes to the hills— From whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. Psalms 121: 1-4 NKJ Every need, every joy, every lack, every step and every move my children made, He was watching and caring for it all! Not one second of their lives went by without Him being fully aware of everything. If one hair fell from their head, He knew when and where it fell! I wanted to sob, but was trying my best to stay in this conversation. The thoughts of God always “Watching” overwhelmed me. It’s impossible for us to keep our eyes on our children consistently, but it’s not impossible for God! “For with God nothing will be impossible.” Luke 1:37 NKJV The angel then said, “He has your mom in the fire right now. He has Jim in the fire too.” Jim is my husband and he had been sick. My mom lost her brother and rode an emotional roller coaster for weeks. She had been sick too and it was Christmas. But God HAD them! He didn’t put them there, but was WATCHING and CARING for them the entire time. He HAD them! He never took His eyes off of them for one second! I knew they would be ok, because FATHER was keeping watch! “The Lord looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men.” Psalms 33:13 NKJV The Angel continued talking with me and said, “He says that if you could only see what all He has in store for you! There is much He has for you and for you to do.” At that moment, I started slipping out of the vision and started waking up. Yet I had a tiny sense that there were millions of things in store , but I was only aware of about what seemed liked fifty. Often we hesitate in stepping out as a witness for the Kingdom of God. We shy back from sowing seed into someone's life and question if God really wants us to do that. We forget to think on and meditate on the realness of eternity. Truth is there is much in store for us! There is much He wants us to be, say and do! If only we could see in the unseen realm. How effective would we be in carrying the Gospel to a dying world? “But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” I Corinthians 2:9 NKJV Prayer God I pray that the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation would come and unlock the Knowledge of God in our hearts. That we would know our Father’s heart for His creation. That faith and joy in The Lord would rise within us propelling us into our destiny in You. May every reader have supernatural encounters with You, God. -The kind of encounters that stir up love, faith and Joy in The Lord! |
Author Becky Keener and her husband, Jim, have been married since 1993 and reside in Summersville, West Virginia. They have two young adult children, Casey (wife Martina) and BreAnn (husband Jack). They are the proud grandparents of two precious baby boys and look forward to having many more. Archives
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