I want to share an encounter with you that I had a few years ago! The Lord reminds me of this encounter often.
One morning as I was awaking out of sleep, I suddenly could smell this wonderful aroma in my home! It filled my nostrils and overtook me. It was the smell of fresh bread being baked in a home. All I could do was breathe it in more and more. It was intoxicating to me. I must share with you that I was the only one home and no one was baking bread! Jesus had just walked in my room!
As I was breathing this in I felt the Lord begin to speak to me, “I Am the Bread of Life”.
Now of course I know this scripture and know this to be true, but I felt the Lord was prompting me to dig a little deeper into what He was saying. I immediately got up out of the bed and grabbed my Bible to search out all the scriptures that speak of Him being the Bread.
It was as if right then I was feasting upon that fresh bread I smelled. I was eating right then His Word as I was searching out the depths of Him.
I remember coming across the scripture in the Old Testament of where they would lay out the showbread and about the Bread of His Presence!
As I was reading these scriptures His presence surrounded me. Not only was I smelling Him but I was tasting Him and feeling Him surround me.
The Lord desires to speak to you and reveal deeper parts of Himself to us if we will just lean in. He wants to use your senses to speak to you and to sharpen your discernment of Him when He walks into a room. I remember this particular encounter with the Lord because it was one of the first times He encountered me with smells. I had felt the Lords presence before in mighty ways, but I had not smelled Him like that before.
Since this encounter, the Lord has opened up all five of my senses and I have learned to recognize Him in different ways!
I have smelled fragrances, tasted sweetness on my tongue, heard Him speak, felt Him near, seen brightness all around me and knew when He walked into the room.
I have also been able to discern when the enemy was near from the training of these senses as well! I have smelled a foul smell, or had a bad taste in my mouth, or just had a feeling of an evil presence. The training of our senses helps us to discern better and helps us to pray and hit target.
The Lord wants to sharpen and train these areas in you. I believe He desires to encounter you in deeper ways. I believe even right now as you read this that a new way of encountering Jesus is going to open up for you in Jesus name! I pray that your five senses would be aroused to the awareness of Holy Spirit and you would touch, taste, smell, feel and see Him in a new way.
Don’t let your motive for the gifting here to be to seek out evil, let this be to build and deepen your heart to seek after Jesus. He will reveal to you what needs to be revealed but remember “HE IS THE PRIZE”. Seek Him and only Him! Your intimacy with Him will deepen!
”But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.“
Hebrews 5:14 NKJV
Krista Lesher-January 11, 2024