Dreams and Interpretation
Study Notes
God is the interpreter. Genesis 40:8. Joseph said, “Do not interpretations belong to God?”
*Relationship/Communion with God is important in order to understand what He is saying.
Dream Interpretation:
Understanding Visons
*Two things that help me when I have a vision (or dream) that involves animals or creatures:
1. I look them up in the Bible. 2. I research their characteristics.
These are symbols I have learned out of my relationship with God. Some are found in Scripture, and some are not. I have had many leaders and friends to help me with my dreams and visions over the years.
Discern the atmosphere of your dream or vision to determine if the symbols have a positive or negative meaning.
1.Your Car-Ministry (Chariots)
2.Lion-Jesus (negatively could be enemy) discern the atmosphere.
3.Wheat-Harvest/People (Joseph’s dream in Genesis)
4.Pregnancy/Birthing- Pregnancy/Birthing in the Spirit-Carrying/Birthing something from The Lord
5.Snake-Deception (In the Garden in Genesis)
6.Golden Snake –Healing (according to Moses in Numbers)
7.Spider’s Web-Works of iniquity- (Isaiah 59)
8.Goats- The Lost
9.Scorpions-Hurt/Pain/Torment (emotionally would be depression in Revelation 9)
11.Dove-Holy Spirit – (Matthew 3)
12.Wine-Love- (Song of Solomon)
13.Rings-Authority (Kings seal/signet Ring) (Esther)
15.Praying Mantis-Prophet
16.Frogs-Sexual Sin or Pharoah spirit at work
17.Snapping Turtle- Grumble/Complain
18.Bears-Fear of man (negative) Awakening (positive)
21.Chestnut Tree-Issues of the heart
22. Breasts-Maturity (Song of Solomon)
23. Pointer Finger- Office of a Prophet (positive) Blame/Judgmental (negative)
24. Teeth- People
25. Front Teeth- Leaders (upfront people)
26. Showering- Cleansing
27. Feet- Walk/Journey
28. Eyes- Spiritual Seeing
29.Ears- Spiritual hearing/Faith
30. Only Son- Jesus
31. Husband- Bridegroom Jesus
32. Pastor/Mentor- Jesus/Voice of Holy Spirit
33. Tornado- Storm in your life (Sometimes can be Holy Spirit)
34. Rain- Blessings
35. Train- Movement
36. Bus- Large ministry (church)
37. Mall- The Church
38. Hospital- Healing Church/Healing Realm
39. Cows- Prosperity
40. Eggs- Offspring
41. Kitchen -Revelation/Heart
42. Long Blade Sword- Evangelism
43. Sword- Word of God
44. People- Angels
45. Dogs- Companion (Holy Spirit) Protectors (Guard dogs) Enemy (discern the atmosphere)
46. Meat- Deeper things of God
47. Blackberries- Prosperity
48. Watermelon- Well watered garden (soul prosperity)
49. Taking a Test- Trial/Test
50. Shoes- Peace/Walk with God/Vocation
51. Check/Money-Faith
52. Lipstick on your lips-Prophetic Word
53. River- Holy Spirit
54. Flood/Muddy Waters-Trouble
55. Rabbits-Multiplication
56. Urinating- Relieving Pressure
57. Defecating- Repentance
58. Someone Dressed in Black- Witchcraft
59. Bolter/Stone- Jesus
60. Ape/Gorilla- Pride (negative) Demonic Strongman (negative) Power (positive)
61. Electrical Cables- Powerful Connection
62. Mud- Flesh
63. Smoking Cigarettes- Anger/Pride
64. Putting on Glasses- Receiving Clarity/Spiritual Sight
65. Monkeys- Demons/Guilt
66. Trees-People
67. Fish- People
68. Wearing a Watch- Keep Watch/Watchman
69. Climbing a Mountain- Growing in Faith
70. Skunk- Demon (Spraying is a demonic stench)
71. Red Tomatoes- Blessings, Growth, Happiness in the Family, Flourish
72. Emergency Vehicle- An Emergency
73. Airplane- Ministry
74. Helicopter- Individual Ministry
75. War- Warfare
76. Grandparents- Generational Blessings (positive) Generational Curses (negatives)
77. Thin Black Snakes- Lies
78. Green Snakes- Virus/Sickness
79. Washing Clothes- Repentance
80. Dirty Laundry- Hidden Sins
81. Camels- Prosperity
82. Jewelry- Bridal Adornment/Preparation
83. Rubies- Wisdom
84. Sapphires- Compassion
85. Emeralds- Prosperity/Life
86. A Fence- Offence
87. Maggots in the Blood- Offense/ Bad Blood between You and Someone.
88. Bullets- Prayers/Words
89. Peacock- Pride
90. Chickens- Fear
91. Ship- Evangelistic Ministry
92. Ox- Apostolic
93. Poisonous Snake- Sickness
94. Sweater- Mantel
95. Hotel- Temporary Place
96. Chocolate- Revelation
97. Chair- Place of Authority
98. Blue Rose- Miraculous
99. Pizza- Combination of Things.
100. Stag (Male Deer)- Jesus
(These notes are to help you in your personal study. These are personal insights I have learned from leaders, teachers and friends throughout the years, while much has come from my personal study and experiences with The Lord. I pray they enlighten you and aid in your Spiritual Growth.)
God is the interpreter. Genesis 40:8. Joseph said, “Do not interpretations belong to God?”
- Ask The Lord “What does this mean?”
- The Lord interprets dreams and visions.
- As Jeremiah “saw” -God revealed the vision to Him. Jeremiah 1
*Relationship/Communion with God is important in order to understand what He is saying.
Dream Interpretation:
- Write the dream down.
- Keep a log of your own “symbol” meanings you have acquired through your relationship with God.
- Meditate on the dream. Ask Holy Spirit to high light symbols and their meanings to you.
- Check the scriptures for key symbols that stand out to you. Make The Word of God your framework! Build your grid by the scriptures! (If you dream of stars, look up stars.)
- Ask God what He is saying. Wait for the answer. Save the dream for later if necessary. Revisit it.
Understanding Visons
- Ask questions during the vision. (If you can without stopping the flow.)
- Write down the vision and high light key points once the vision is over.
- Look up Scriptures that come to your mind. Look up "symbols" in the Bible.
- Meditate and ask Holy Spirit to give you understanding.
- Again, save it for later if necessary. Revisit it.
*Two things that help me when I have a vision (or dream) that involves animals or creatures:
1. I look them up in the Bible. 2. I research their characteristics.
These are symbols I have learned out of my relationship with God. Some are found in Scripture, and some are not. I have had many leaders and friends to help me with my dreams and visions over the years.
Discern the atmosphere of your dream or vision to determine if the symbols have a positive or negative meaning.
1.Your Car-Ministry (Chariots)
2.Lion-Jesus (negatively could be enemy) discern the atmosphere.
3.Wheat-Harvest/People (Joseph’s dream in Genesis)
4.Pregnancy/Birthing- Pregnancy/Birthing in the Spirit-Carrying/Birthing something from The Lord
5.Snake-Deception (In the Garden in Genesis)
6.Golden Snake –Healing (according to Moses in Numbers)
7.Spider’s Web-Works of iniquity- (Isaiah 59)
8.Goats- The Lost
9.Scorpions-Hurt/Pain/Torment (emotionally would be depression in Revelation 9)
11.Dove-Holy Spirit – (Matthew 3)
12.Wine-Love- (Song of Solomon)
13.Rings-Authority (Kings seal/signet Ring) (Esther)
15.Praying Mantis-Prophet
16.Frogs-Sexual Sin or Pharoah spirit at work
17.Snapping Turtle- Grumble/Complain
18.Bears-Fear of man (negative) Awakening (positive)
21.Chestnut Tree-Issues of the heart
22. Breasts-Maturity (Song of Solomon)
23. Pointer Finger- Office of a Prophet (positive) Blame/Judgmental (negative)
24. Teeth- People
25. Front Teeth- Leaders (upfront people)
26. Showering- Cleansing
27. Feet- Walk/Journey
28. Eyes- Spiritual Seeing
29.Ears- Spiritual hearing/Faith
30. Only Son- Jesus
31. Husband- Bridegroom Jesus
32. Pastor/Mentor- Jesus/Voice of Holy Spirit
33. Tornado- Storm in your life (Sometimes can be Holy Spirit)
34. Rain- Blessings
35. Train- Movement
36. Bus- Large ministry (church)
37. Mall- The Church
38. Hospital- Healing Church/Healing Realm
39. Cows- Prosperity
40. Eggs- Offspring
41. Kitchen -Revelation/Heart
42. Long Blade Sword- Evangelism
43. Sword- Word of God
44. People- Angels
45. Dogs- Companion (Holy Spirit) Protectors (Guard dogs) Enemy (discern the atmosphere)
46. Meat- Deeper things of God
47. Blackberries- Prosperity
48. Watermelon- Well watered garden (soul prosperity)
49. Taking a Test- Trial/Test
50. Shoes- Peace/Walk with God/Vocation
51. Check/Money-Faith
52. Lipstick on your lips-Prophetic Word
53. River- Holy Spirit
54. Flood/Muddy Waters-Trouble
55. Rabbits-Multiplication
56. Urinating- Relieving Pressure
57. Defecating- Repentance
58. Someone Dressed in Black- Witchcraft
59. Bolter/Stone- Jesus
60. Ape/Gorilla- Pride (negative) Demonic Strongman (negative) Power (positive)
61. Electrical Cables- Powerful Connection
62. Mud- Flesh
63. Smoking Cigarettes- Anger/Pride
64. Putting on Glasses- Receiving Clarity/Spiritual Sight
65. Monkeys- Demons/Guilt
66. Trees-People
67. Fish- People
68. Wearing a Watch- Keep Watch/Watchman
69. Climbing a Mountain- Growing in Faith
70. Skunk- Demon (Spraying is a demonic stench)
71. Red Tomatoes- Blessings, Growth, Happiness in the Family, Flourish
72. Emergency Vehicle- An Emergency
73. Airplane- Ministry
74. Helicopter- Individual Ministry
75. War- Warfare
76. Grandparents- Generational Blessings (positive) Generational Curses (negatives)
77. Thin Black Snakes- Lies
78. Green Snakes- Virus/Sickness
79. Washing Clothes- Repentance
80. Dirty Laundry- Hidden Sins
81. Camels- Prosperity
82. Jewelry- Bridal Adornment/Preparation
83. Rubies- Wisdom
84. Sapphires- Compassion
85. Emeralds- Prosperity/Life
86. A Fence- Offence
87. Maggots in the Blood- Offense/ Bad Blood between You and Someone.
88. Bullets- Prayers/Words
89. Peacock- Pride
90. Chickens- Fear
91. Ship- Evangelistic Ministry
92. Ox- Apostolic
93. Poisonous Snake- Sickness
94. Sweater- Mantel
95. Hotel- Temporary Place
96. Chocolate- Revelation
97. Chair- Place of Authority
98. Blue Rose- Miraculous
99. Pizza- Combination of Things.
100. Stag (Male Deer)- Jesus
(These notes are to help you in your personal study. These are personal insights I have learned from leaders, teachers and friends throughout the years, while much has come from my personal study and experiences with The Lord. I pray they enlighten you and aid in your Spiritual Growth.)