I was sitting in a prayer meeting soaking in The Lord’s presence when I suddenly had a vision. I was in a heavenly place with a room full of people. This room was completely white. I sensed I was in a room with God’s Eagles (prophetic intercessors). The room was quite crowded, yet it didn’t feel crowded.
Jesus extended his hand and drew me to Him. His grip was gentle, and I sensed his majesty. I looked down at my body and saw that I was wearing an evening gown. It was a sparkling turquoise trimmed in navy blue. I knew the navy represented the color of a general. The sparkles appeared to be diamonds.
As I walked with Jesus toward the front of the room, my spiritual eyes were positioned so that I could see us walking together. He walked softly yet reverently. My hair was styled with pretty curls and on my head sat a crown. As I looked closer at the crown, I saw that it was a Falcon. Its golden wings wrapped around the sides of my head as a circle of white ivory fastened it to the back of my head.
Jesus walked me to the front of the room and lead me down a hallway. I questioned if this was a throne room. He said to me, “Esther was a Falcon, she was a killer.” I questioned, “What does that mean?” He continued talking to me as we walked down the hallway and said, “You must kill. Kill the enemy. Esther was a killer, falcons kill.” I could not comprehend what Jesus was saying but I continued to walk with Him.
At the end of the hallway, we were suddenly flying high above the earth. I’m not sure where we were flying to, but I knew we were very high above the earth. Jesus continued to hold my hand. As I looked down, I saw that I had bird’s feet.
Suddenly we were standing in the front of the white room. Again, my spiritual eyes were positioned to see myself. I looked down at the front of my turquoise dress and saw that I was holding a sword. I knew the sword was real and it was time to kill.
When I woke up, I knew that our enemy could not be killed. We cannot kill the devil, but we can destroy his works! (1 John 3:8) I knew that the Word of God is a two-edged sword. (Hebrews 4:12) Last, I knew that the Bible tells us we are seated with Christ in heavenly places. (Ephesians 2:6)
As I looked up the characteristics of a Falcon, I found that it is the fastest animal on earth! The Falcon has been clocked at 242 miles per hour! This bird is a predator. Rarely is it a bird of prey, but at times it is. It has excellent eyesight and extraordinary precision. It is fast, lethal, and intelligent. When the falcon flies in for the kill, he quickly looks over his shoulder (for an enemy) and turns its head back around and hits target at over 200 miles an hour! Now that’s precision!
Putting the pieces together as I read the book of Esther, it hit me! Wow, she really was a killer. Not only did her courage cause Haman (her enemy) his life, she requested that the king hang his 10 sons too. She hit the target swiftly! In the book of Esther, we see that a fear of the Jews came upon the land because Esther was the cause of Haman's death (and his sons), she was given the house of Haman, she was given authority to write a new decree that freed the Jews, and she requested weapons for the Jews to defend themselves against their enemies. There was bloodshed! I don't know if Esther was looking for a harvest, but the Bible teaches us that many pagans came to fear God and they became Jews! Destroying the works of the enemy produced a harvest!
The Lord is calling forth Esthers! I know we have heard this a hundred times before, but He wants us to get this. Esther was a killer! She was fast, lethal, and intelligent! She swiftly hit target! She was a Falcon! She had an enemy on her back, and she went for the kill! She was chosen and positioned to DESTROY THE WORKS OF THE DEVIL!
The Bible says, “For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14 NKJV
When we hear 'Esther's Arising" or this scripture being quoted, we mistakenly think this is about being chosen, favored and even affirmed. This is not about being special, but about a God-Given purpose to RISE UP and destroy the works of the enemy!
The Lord is calling His Bride to RISE as Esthers in this hour! You are chosen with a specific purpose and that’s to FACE YOUR ENEMY AND DESTROY HIS WORKS! It’s time to bring your enemy to the table and dine with the KING! You have been given authority and it’s time to call the shots. You have permission to stop the enemy’s attacks in your life and in your family! Fight for your family! Rise up! THIS IS YOUR FALCON MOMENT!
The Bible says, “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.” Matthew 10:8 NKJV
We are told to go and do! Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and he did! He still does and it’s through you!
We do not like confrontation. I get it, but The Lord is saying, “Confront your enemy.” Whatever that may be. There is currently a window of grace to confront the past traumas, fears, rage, and so forth in your life. There’s a window of grace to confront the manipulator in your life. Yes, I said it. Some will have to sit at the table and clear the air with a physical oppressor. It’s time to break free.
Do not put a face on your enemy but discern the spirit behind it all and confront that. For some this means you must confront the enemy operating in your life such as jealousy, strife, self-pity, etc.... Now is your time of grace. Destroy the works of the enemy in your life and see a great harvest! Advance the Kingdom of God. You were born for such a time as this!
Becky Keener, Mountain Momma -May 27,2023