Recently The Lord reminded of how desperately He wanted to heal His bride inwardly. That means it’s time for your emotional healing! The Father sees everything and is wanting you healed. He says, “I love you.”
I believe Holy Spirit is showing me something very important and I want to share it with you. He reminded of what He asked me to do several years ago. Actually, He lead me to do this one particular thing several times in my life. Every time resulted in a new level of freedom and healing.
I wrote letters. I wrote letters to the people that He showed me I needed to forgive. He wasn’t saying they were right and that I was wrong. It had nothing to do with that. He was asking me to “release” the pain and hurt they caused me. Forgive means to "release" and to "let go" of it. Forgiveness does not mean anyone is justified in their actions or that it was acceptable. It means you intentionally decide you are not going to hold on to it any more by turning them and the pain over to The Lord. You make an intentional decision to let it all go. It's when you decide to not judge it, but to completely pull yourself away from it. As I wrote these letters, I would write what I was mad about or what had hurt me. I explained in detail how these people and the things they done or said made me feel. I guess you could say I vented on paper. Yet, I told them, "I forgive you." My list of "I forgive you for___" was sometimes long and sometimes short as were my letters. Once I was finished writing, I folded the letter in half and prayed that God would help me and heal my pain. Then, I burned it.
I wrote a letter every time God told me to and to every person He showed me. Some days I only wrote one. Some days two or at the most three. I never mailed these letters or confronted anyone. There were things that just couldn't be settled that way at the time. There were times I did talk things out with those that hurt me and offended me because the Bible teaches us that in Matthew 18. However, there were times (like these) it was just me and The Lord working on me.
These letters took a lot of stress, anger, and anxiety from me. They caused me to forgive and to face my own faults which caused me to ask for The Lord's forgiveness. I confessed my anger, fears, jealousies, guilt, shame, etc... I found that as I wrote in detail, The Lord healed me and changed me! He set me free. It did not happen all in one day, but it did happen.
I noticed that the angrier I became the more depressed I would get. The less anger I had, the less I dealt with depression. I heard that depression can be anger turned inward and found that they are connected. As I became less anxious, I had less anger which resulted in having no emotional outbursts and melt-downs! These emotions were all intertwined and affected my overall health.... BUT GOD! I share this with you in hopes that you will take these steps as The Lord leads you. It's not easy. I'm not going to lie, but it is worth it. Unforgiveness is poison to the emotions as far as I am concerned. At least it was for me. Don't hold on to it. Let it go.
Be healed in Jesus name! Becky Keener, Mountain Momma