From Pitiful to Beautiful, Intimacy with The Lord
I believe The Lord set in my heart to share my healing journey to help others to heal from anxiety, depression and panic attacks. It has been a genuine desire of my heart to see people healed and set free in Christ. As I share my journey with you, you will read some of my personal experiences with The Lord. I pray they speak to you. I’ve asked The Lord to cease your heart, giving you all you need to be made whole again. I’ll share how intimacy with The Lord opened the door for me to become a brand-new person, someone I could live with. Through intimacy, I fell in love with Jesus at a whole new level. I want to share that love in hopes that you will fall deeper in love with Him too.
Common snares of the enemy such as fear, guilt and rejection kept me bound and separated me from God. They kept me at arm’s length, so-to-speak. I encountered hard seasons of anxiety, depression and panic attacks. Though these were some of my darkest days they became some of my most beautiful. The Lord helped me and I believe He will help you too! You may not have emotional and mental struggles, but you may know someone who does. I pray this book will encourage you.
As I traveled this healing journey, I only traveled it hoping that I would be healed one day. Now I know that there is Hope! Little by little, layer by layer, Jesus peeled away those things that were not healthy and were not of Him. He would gently deal with an issue and graciously heal my heart piece by piece. Yes I am a work in progress and will be for the rest of my life. I’ve come too far to turn back now. I fall in love with Jesus over and over again. My longing will never end because Jesus captured my heart. He has ravished my heart and I am His.
Today I am nowhere near where I once was in that awful state of “pitiful.” Instead, I hear Him call me “beautiful!” My one desire for you is that not only will you enjoy and learn from the “Pitiful to Beautiful Devotional,” but that you would receive all that I received. Read a chapter or two every day during your quiet time with The Lord. Take a moment and listen to Him. I believe He will speak to you. Take notes, keep a journal and commit to your healing.
May God reveal Himself to you, heal you and bring you into wholeness. God Bless you!
-Becky Keener