Dear Grieving Mommas,
Jesus Wept.
I find in my Christian walk that there is much happiness. There is much hope, yet life is full of harsh reality. We go through things, we pray through things, we walk through things, and even though we’re not alone, sometimes we feel isolated. We are supposed to be full of joy, joy unspeakable and full of glory. We are Ambassadors for the kingdom, standing tall. There are bright days and there are dark days.
Recently, I found myself going through very dark days. My mother passed away a few months ago, and even though I am a full grown adult, the day she died I became a different kind of adult. One without a mother. I tried to hold my head up high, and I told people that even though I had lost my mother, I was not an orphan, because my father was a King. I said this a lot! During the day I pressed on, but at night in my bed, I cried like a baby.
I asked God for a more intimate relationship with him and the thought crossed my mind that this is not the way I intended to get closer to him. My mother was the reason I knew Jesus. She KNEW Jesus! She prayed for me, taught me, and raised me to know that life was all about Him. I know she is with Him and that she has gone on to her reward. I am not mad at God, but I was grieving her loss to the point I couldn’t leave my house.
My tears led me to believe I was a weak Christian. I couldn’t reconcile myself to the fact that it was "ok" to cry. I started beating myself up over the fact that as a Christian, I should be rejoicing that her work on earth was done.
One night it came to me…Jesus wept! He was the Christ and He cried over His friend Lazarus. He wept, even though he knew that he was going to raise Lazarus from the dead. His human self mourned for His friend and He was sensitive to the grief of others. Human nature is what caused His tears. There is a kind of nature that moves human emotions to be uncontrollable, often at the loss of a loved one.
Jesus knew exactly what I was going through. He has already been through this and He has already done what He does! He shows up to carry us and comfort us! From this moment on, I knew that the shortest verse in the Bible, (only two words) "Jesus wept" John 11:35 proceeds one of the greatest moments in the story of Jesus! It became a catalyst moment, in the story of me.
Good by Grief,
-Angelea Paugh, Mountain Momma
Jesus Wept.
I find in my Christian walk that there is much happiness. There is much hope, yet life is full of harsh reality. We go through things, we pray through things, we walk through things, and even though we’re not alone, sometimes we feel isolated. We are supposed to be full of joy, joy unspeakable and full of glory. We are Ambassadors for the kingdom, standing tall. There are bright days and there are dark days.
Recently, I found myself going through very dark days. My mother passed away a few months ago, and even though I am a full grown adult, the day she died I became a different kind of adult. One without a mother. I tried to hold my head up high, and I told people that even though I had lost my mother, I was not an orphan, because my father was a King. I said this a lot! During the day I pressed on, but at night in my bed, I cried like a baby.
I asked God for a more intimate relationship with him and the thought crossed my mind that this is not the way I intended to get closer to him. My mother was the reason I knew Jesus. She KNEW Jesus! She prayed for me, taught me, and raised me to know that life was all about Him. I know she is with Him and that she has gone on to her reward. I am not mad at God, but I was grieving her loss to the point I couldn’t leave my house.
My tears led me to believe I was a weak Christian. I couldn’t reconcile myself to the fact that it was "ok" to cry. I started beating myself up over the fact that as a Christian, I should be rejoicing that her work on earth was done.
One night it came to me…Jesus wept! He was the Christ and He cried over His friend Lazarus. He wept, even though he knew that he was going to raise Lazarus from the dead. His human self mourned for His friend and He was sensitive to the grief of others. Human nature is what caused His tears. There is a kind of nature that moves human emotions to be uncontrollable, often at the loss of a loved one.
Jesus knew exactly what I was going through. He has already been through this and He has already done what He does! He shows up to carry us and comfort us! From this moment on, I knew that the shortest verse in the Bible, (only two words) "Jesus wept" John 11:35 proceeds one of the greatest moments in the story of Jesus! It became a catalyst moment, in the story of me.
Good by Grief,
-Angelea Paugh, Mountain Momma