Hearing God: The Ways God Speaks
Study Notes
My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27
Mediation~ Think deeply. Focus in silence or slight chatting. In quiet thought.
Hearing (Holy Spirit)
The Scriptures
(These notes are to help you in your personal study. These are personal insights I have learned from leaders, teachers and friends throughout the years, while much has come from my personal study and experiences with The Lord. I pray they enlighten you and aid in your Spiritual Growth.)
Study Notes
My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27
- He knows us intimately.
- We yield to hear.
Mediation~ Think deeply. Focus in silence or slight chatting. In quiet thought.
- Practice being quiet.
- Think upon dreams, scriptures highlighted to you, encouraging words that come to your memory, images seen, etc... (Godly thoughts)
- David meditated…Psalm 119:15, Psalm 63:6, Psalm 77:12, Psalm 119:27, Psalm 119:148, Psalm 77:6, Psalm 119:48, etc…
- God speaks by a still small voice (often during meditation). Visions and impressions can occur. Spiritual ears become sensitive.
Hearing (Holy Spirit)
- Often comes as fluttering thoughts.
- Can come as a reoccurring thought.
- Inner voice in your mind sometimes sounds like someone you know and trust.
- Sometimes sounds like yourself, but the thought will be opposite of your normal way of thinking. Thought will bring life and truly seem alive.
- Can be like a soft whisper.
- May be a holy impression. You can feel the anointing on it.
- Peace fills the mind and "heightened" thoughts flow.
The Scriptures
- 2 Timothy 3:16 says all scripture is God-breathed.
- The Word gives a foundation/framework- something we are to honor, know and refer to.
- Hearing God speak will often remind you of what you read in the Bible. What you hear will often point to scripture.
- When you read, the passage will hit your heart. The Word will often hit your emotions.
- A burst of life or energy will come from it.
- You don’t forget it. It stays in your memory.
- Felt like the passage jumped out at you, that's God speaking to you through His Written Word.
- Mostly are symbolic according to statistics, yet can be literal.
- Takes the human brain 40 minutes to get to REM dream cycle. If you dream during a 15 minute cat nap, you have a gift to cultivate.
- Dreams reveal the heart (soul), they store memory, give direction, give Spirit led insight.
- Psalm 16:7 My heart also instructs me in the night season. The Lord can give you council in your dreams. Root issues can be exposed. (If you're fearful, you will have scary dreams.)
- Joseph (Mary’s husband) was directed by an angel in a dream. Matthew 1:1-21
- Joseph (Genesis) dreamed and interpreted dreams.
- Holy Spirit interprets our dreams. Often times interpreted with Scriptures.
- Pictures in mind’s eye (imagination)
- Rolling movies within the mind’s eye.
- Stepping into another realm with gray misty fog atmosphere. Usually you will not hear your surroundings.
- Outward rolling movies. Can seem like it happened in the natural.
- Visions can happen in your sleep (night visions). Seems like a dream but feels like you were really there. Feels more real than a dream.
- The Lord speaks around the elements, often in a whisper or impression. 1 King 19:11-13
- The Lord speaks around animals as a sign. Genesis 30
- Pay attention to nature. The stars, moon, trees, flowers, animals, etc... The Lord speaks around them to reveal something to you. Matthew 10, Luke 12, 1 Kings 17 (The Raven in 1 Kings 17 represents the The Lord's provision. If a raven oddly shows up in your yard, The Lord may be reassuring His provision to you.)
(These notes are to help you in your personal study. These are personal insights I have learned from leaders, teachers and friends throughout the years, while much has come from my personal study and experiences with The Lord. I pray they enlighten you and aid in your Spiritual Growth.)