I see you.I see you hanging on today, yesterday, and maybe for a long time from what seems to be the smallest of threads. I see you trying to hold yourself together for the sake of your family, not wanting them to see you cry or have a weak moment. I see you nursing that little baby in the quiet night hours, you know, that little one you may not have planned on having right now. I see you working hard to teach your kids right from wrong in the midst of this dark world, wondering if you’re making any difference at all. I see your tears over your prodigal sons and daughters, those you raised as best you could, but they’ve walked away from the One who holds everything together. I see you worrying about having too much month left at the end of your money, worrying about paying the light bill or putting food on the table. I see you Momma, and so does He.
I see you Momma, the one who has the best of everything and lacks nothing in this world, yet you don’t understand why you feel so empty and alone as you’re reading this. I see you trying to hold yourself together at the party with all the friends and family that one could hope for, yet feeling like you are totally alone in the room. I see you wanting a child so badly that it’s painful when that time of the month comes again…and again, just like it has for as long as you can remember. I see you when even the cry ofa stranger’s little one grips you so fiercely that you can’t breathe; to where you excuse yourself from the hundredth baby shower invitation because you know in going your heart will likely burst in your chest. I see you having so much of this world and yet knowing you would trade it all away for something real and tangible. I see you Momma, and so does He.
I see you Momma, all the ones who fall somewhere in between, who aren’t really struggling with lack but don’t always feel blessed with plenty either. I see you as you question why you’re here on this earth and maybe ask if there really is a God? And, if there is, why is there so much darkness and despair in the world? I see you questioning why things are the way they are and who is to blame for eggs costing nearly as much as what you make in an hour. I see you becoming weary in the week-to-week obligatory attendance, some how knowing there is more to Church than the four walls you come to each week. I see you Momma, and so does He.
Who is this One who sees us when we struggle and when we weep? Who is this One who sees us when we are winning in this life and who cheers us on from the Heavens? Who is this One who created me, and you and everyone else? “My frame was not hidden from You when I was being formed in secret and intricately and curiously wrought, as if embroidered with various colors in the depths of the earth, a region of darkness and mystery. Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in Your book all the days of my life were written before they ever took shape, when as yet there was none of them. How precious and weighty also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I could count them, they would be more in number than the sand.”Psalm 139:15-18 (Amplified)There is One who holds everything in His hand- His name is Jesus!
Jesus, lover of my soul, the One who not only saw me (and you) being formed in my mothers womb but took the time to write books about us.His dreams and hopes for you and mewere being written even before our shape became a shape. You were substance and cells, and all the stuff people argue about being alive or not, and right then, you were being formed by the Master’s hands. Like an embroidered cloth, His needle and thread has painted the colors of your life on the canvas of His will.
The early verses of Psalm 139 speak to God’s infinite knowledge of you Momma. He knows your sitting down and yourrising up; He knows your thoughts and He is well acquainted with allyour ways. He knows your words before you even speak them. There is nothing you can do, nowhere you can go that will outrun this great love. And oh, how He loves you! He loves you when you run from Him as much as when you runtoHim. He isn’t too busy to look your way. He won’t overlook the one He created. You don’t have to be afraid that He doesn’t see you because He does. He seesyou, in those good times and in the bad ones. He is there, for better and for worse, in sickness and in health, and every place in between, even when no one else is.There is no one like the Lord, Momma. He is that friend that sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24). He pleads, “Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth. For I am God, and there is no other (Isaiah 45:22).
There is no one like Jesus, Momma!He beckons you to “cast all your cares (that anxiety & worry) on Him, because He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). He is “the one who is called Faithful and True…” (Revelation 19:11), and He will never leave you. Hebrews 13:5 (AMP) reads, “…For God Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. I will not, I will not, I will not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let you down or relax My hold on you! Assuredly not!” Jesus is serious about not leaving you. You can trust Jesus.He sees you, Momma-with tears in His eyes, He sees you!
He feels your pain and despair right now. He captures your tears in a bottle (Psalm 56:8). He cares about each tear you have cried, even when they fall into a puddle on your pillow at night. When you think no one else knows, that no one else sees, He sees you, Momma. He loves you, Momma and He wants you all for Himself. Won’t you run to Him right in this moment? His arms are waiting for you-run to Jesus!Let today be the day that you can say, “I have found the One whom my soul loves.”(Song of Solomon 3:4) May you lock eyes with the Onewho can save your soul and heal your pain. Do you see Him, Momma? He sees you.