Intimacy with God
Study Notes
* Jesus prayed for us to have intimacy with (Triune) God. John 17
Intimacy- Sharing of hearts. Emotionally close. Personal; thorough. Intimate friend.
Spending time with God
*As we grow in intimacy with God, we increase in our ability to receive revelation. Revelation increases intimacy, and likewise intimacy increases revelation.
Humility is required in intimacy. You are yielding to someones heart and opening yours.
Humility- Yielding. Go beneath. Allow God to be all of all.
Meekness- The willing submission of one person to the will of another.
Submit- To be arranged under or in subjection to the leadership of another.
Opposite of Humility is Pride.
Pride is high minded, humility is lowly minded. Enemy is on the high road. The Lord is on the path of humility. Philippians 2:8
To seek intimacy…
*Surrendering to The Lord is not exposing yourself to the enemy. “Letting your guard down” for Him is a lowly act. The Lord rushes in places of meekness.
*Submit to God resist the devil and he shall flee. First submit. James 4:7
(These notes are to help you in your personal study. These are personal insights I have learned from leaders, teachers and friends throughout the years, while much has come from my personal study and experiences with The Lord. I pray they enlighten you and aid in your Spiritual Growth.)
Study Notes
* Jesus prayed for us to have intimacy with (Triune) God. John 17
Intimacy- Sharing of hearts. Emotionally close. Personal; thorough. Intimate friend.
Spending time with God
- To be intimate, time with God is vital.
- The most important thing we can do to grow in relationship with God is to spend time with Him, listening to His voice and paying attention to what He says to us.
- Intimate time with Him is heart to heart, not merely learning about Him, but experiencing Him.
- If you can only get quiet for five minutes, start there. Make it a goal to increase your quiet time with The Lord.
*As we grow in intimacy with God, we increase in our ability to receive revelation. Revelation increases intimacy, and likewise intimacy increases revelation.
Humility is required in intimacy. You are yielding to someones heart and opening yours.
Humility- Yielding. Go beneath. Allow God to be all of all.
Meekness- The willing submission of one person to the will of another.
Submit- To be arranged under or in subjection to the leadership of another.
- A good soldier obeys out of honor and devotion to his/her leader.
- Devotion of the heart; not outwardly.
- David said “The Lord is God.” “The Lord is Lord.” Psalms 118
Opposite of Humility is Pride.
- Self-willed, Self-determination
- Self-protection, Self-seeking
- Know it all, Unapproachable
- Rebellious, Arrogant
Pride is high minded, humility is lowly minded. Enemy is on the high road. The Lord is on the path of humility. Philippians 2:8
To seek intimacy…
- Choose to be humble.
- Pray for the grace to be humble.
- Spend time with God -not just learning about Him.
- Let your guard down and ask God to invade your space. Open your heart to Him.
- Pick a place to meet with God. Convince yourself that you are going to meet with The Lord. It’s ok if it’s just quiet. Give yourself time to connect spiritually with God. Be patient and wait.
- Return often. Every day if possible.
*Surrendering to The Lord is not exposing yourself to the enemy. “Letting your guard down” for Him is a lowly act. The Lord rushes in places of meekness.
*Submit to God resist the devil and he shall flee. First submit. James 4:7
(These notes are to help you in your personal study. These are personal insights I have learned from leaders, teachers and friends throughout the years, while much has come from my personal study and experiences with The Lord. I pray they enlighten you and aid in your Spiritual Growth.)