11/28/2023 1 Comment To The Grandmothers!I recently came across an old shoe box while going through things, and in it was several letters I received from my grandmother! I was in tears to say the least! My grandmother has been gone for several years now, but still holds a deep place in my heart. She had her flaws, yet she was a mighty woman of God. She was a powerful woman of prayer and she was bold. She loved her family very much and was not only a mother of her 3 biological children but was a mother to children that she didn’t birth. I look back at these things within my family and the Lord continues to reveal such deep roots and heritage that He placed in my family line. I am forever grateful. Back to the letters I found. My grandmother wrote these when I was a teenager and while I was living with my dad. My parents were divorced when I was 9 and I lived with my mother for a time and then moved to live with my dad. I was in much rebellion. I was angry and I was seeking any and everything I could get my hands on to numb my pain. Yet in the midst of all of this, my grandmother was writing me letters, which were poems, and was mailing them to my dads for me. I can remember reading one and I let it kind of roll off because I was too busy running down a road of my own, but the letter was something that stuck with me. The Lord has often brought back the memory of that letter from her as I would see myself standing in that old trailer reading it! I had forgotten she wrote several until I found them and saw they were all opened! Now I know I had to read them! -And to have kept them was obviously of the Lord! ***I share my story because I believe the Lord is speaking something prophetically here!*** When I found these letters and read them, tears streamed down my face as I saw the deep intercession they carried for my soul. My Grandmother had a way of sharing the Gospel with me in a special gifting the Lord gave her. I can see it now; I see how she spoke things into me even when I couldn’t understand it at the time! Prophetic Word… So I say to the grandmothers! Rise up and release your gifting over your children and your grandchildren! Release those words and move in the Spirit as the Lord is giving you direction to do so! You are planting seeds of hope, seeds of restoration, seeds of salvation and deliverance in more ways than you can ever imagine! Be bold and tell your children and grandchildren how Jesus has kept you all these years and how He has been faithful to keep you and them time and time again! Tell them of the good ole’ days and your singing around the table and gathering to eat with family and the provision He gave over and over again! We need you grandmothers more than you will ever know! Your words carry so much weight for your family! Your words are lasting and carry life and Resurrection Power! Your words may be what springs back, in due season, for your child or grandchild to take hold of, to bow their knee, call out to God, and surrender their life to Jesus! Your journey and example may be the very thing that they look back on and say, THANK YOU GRANDMA FOR TELLING ME ABOUT JESUS!!! I can say that now as I am a living example! This is one of the many things that I believe was planted in my life to "woo" me back to my Savior. -And oh, how I love Him so!! I am determined as I am soon to be a grandmother myself. My words will carry weight for my family! My words will be full of Jesus and unashamed to point my family to Him! Grandmothers we need you now more than ever in this hour! We need the faith that you carry to be planted into a generation just as Lois and Eunice's faith was in Timothy! 2 Timothy 1:3-7 I thank God, whom I serve with a pure conscience, as my forefathers did, as without ceasing I remember you in my prayers night and day, greatly desiring to see you, being mindful of your tears, that I may be filled with joy, when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also. Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Rise up and win your family Grandma! You have more to give than you know! Release your wisdom and words of life to your family and this generation in Jesus name! Krista Lesher, Mountain Momma
1 Comment
12/19/2022 1 Comment STAND YOUR GROUND“Don’t Fall for It! Stand Guard and Stand Your Ground!” The enemy is after your seed to try and destroy your inheritance! WAKE UP and STAND GUARD! PRAY IN THE SPIRIT!! Your seed is your children and even this generation. If he can get to them, it messes with you! If he can mess with your seed, he thinks he has won. DO NOT fall for the lies, the tricks and the schemes of the enemy. Stand your ground, fight for your family and your inheritance. Fight for a generation! This is why the Bible points to generations. We are asked to leave a legacy of truly knowing intimacy with Jesus and of walking with Jesus. We are to live this life in front of those watching. The accuser will attempt to come and whisper in your ear and you will think you have failed, and maybe you have in areas, but the time is now to RISE UP WOMAN OF GOD! Remember the promise you have been given! You know the inheritance you have fought for with weeping at the altar. You have been faithful in the little. The Lord has seen every sacrifice you have made. The Lord has seen your willingness to sell it all, just to know HIM and follow in obedience! The Lord has heard the deep cries of your mother’s heart and sees the battle scars. The Lord has seen even when no one else has! He has seen the integrity you kept even in the dark. The Lord has prepared you in the secret place! That is your strength, the oil He filled you with in those moments! He dwells within you. You do hear His voice and His heartbeat. Trust in the only ONE worthy! Trust where He is taking you. Trust what He is speaking. Trust Him with your seed. Trust the Sword He placed in your mouth and hand. Keep fighting the good fight of faith! (1 Timothy 6:12) He has seen where you didn’t get some things right, He has seen where you know you could have done things better. He has seen the questioning. He has seen your heart of repentance. He has heard every word spoken against you. He has collected every tear. He has seen the guilt and shame placed on you He once removed. DON’T GO BACK THERE!! He freed you of it all!! He knows your name, He formed you in your mother’s womb as He formed your seed in your very own womb and He knows every hair upon your head. He looks at you with eyes of love! You are His Beloved in whom He is well pleased. The devil hates your resilience, but your bounce back is a weapon of its own the Lord placed in your arsenal! NOW, RISE UP! WAKE UP AND WALK IN THE BOLDNESS AND AUTHORITY KING JESUS PAID FOR YOU TO WALK IN! Cling to the promise He has spoken to you and tuck it and seal it in your heart and let no words of doubt, accusation or anything come in between you and your Beloved! Keep contending for your seed, your family, your inheritance and an entire generation. For when you truly know intimacy with the Bridegroom King, you know how to give Him away to others! You will know how to rest in His peace and share it with others. You will know how to trust that the same love He has for you is the same He has for your seed and for an entire generation. “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. “Then it shall come about when the Lord your God brings you into the land which He swore to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to give you, great and splendid cities which you did not build, and houses full of all good things which you did not fill, and hewn cisterns which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant, and you eat and are satisfied, then watch yourself, that you do not forget the Lord who brought you from the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.” Deuteronomy 6:4-12 |
About The Author Krista Lesher and her husband, Joey, have been married since 1998 and reside in Lansing, WV. They have 3 young adult children, Dallas (wife Kaitlyn), Kiera and Cordell (wife Victoria) and are soon to be grandparents. Krista studied at Appalachian District School of Ministry and completed 2 years of discipleship and mentoring through The Cadre, led by International Speaker and Author, Jeanne Mayo. She served as a Youth Pastor for 18 years and as Church Administrator. Krista is the face and visionary for Expect the Outpouring which sparked the Summersville Outpouring Revival (West Virginia) in 2019. Many were saved, healed and set free. She traveled and served as Field Pastor, Spiritual Mom, Secretary and Worshiper for Nik Walker Ministries. Krista is the founder and director of Isaiah 42 Ministries, a ministry to propel the Gospel through prophetic words, encouragement, exhortation and "live" messages. Krista is a Mountain Momma and currently assists in Mountain Momma Rising-WV. She is a Coordinator for the WV Prayer Alliance and is family to Appalachia Prayer Center located in Jesse, WV. Krista is a member of Restoration Fellowship Church and preaches, teaches and assists in Prayer Gatherings throughout WV. ArchivesCategories |
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