On May 8, 2023, I dreamt of chariots of fire. I was standing outside and could feel the presence of the Lord very strong. Suddenly I saw a chariot of fire pulled by a horse. It came rushing by me. It was consumed with the “Fire of God”. It was an all consuming fire. The chariot and horse suddenly took off toward Heaven. I watched as it curved up the sky. Instantly, in my spirit, I knew the Lord was saying, “I’m dropping mantles!"
My spirit leapt as I awoke. I was amazed and in awe of what I saw! Elijah and Elisha immediately hit my spirit. I grabbed my Bible and began to search out all the places chariots of fire are written. Specifically, Elijah and Elisha. As I was searching scripture, I heard the Lord speak again, “Mantles and Angel Armies”! I could feel the presence of the Lord so strong and a fire in my belly was stirring.
I read II Kings 2 and II Kings 6. Both of these places were specific with the chariots of fire. Elisha received Elijah’s mantle as he watched him taken up in the chariot of fire. The mantle fell and Elisha picked it up. Scripture says he walked in a 'double portion' and did 'double' the miracles as Elijah did. Chariots of fire are also mentioned in chapter 6 where Elisha and his servant become surrounded by the Aramean army. Elisha prays and the Lord opens the servants eyes to see the chariots of fire and horses encamped around them, clearly on their side.
The Lord then began to speak to me of the very date specifically.
May 8, 2023. Number 8 meaning “New Beginnings”
The 5th month, 5 meaning “Grace”.
I knew this marked a day of shifting. This was a day He was releasing mantles upon the earth and there was a grace period to receive what the Lord has released. I believe we are in that window of opportunity right now.
“Now is the Kairos moment” for the Lord says, “my grace is upon you and now is the opportune time to receive all that I have for my people. My people who have sought me in the secret place and cried out for their heritage and for their inheritance, My people who have a pure heart after me, My people I can trust with the pure voice, today is the day, now is the hour to pick up the mantles I have released for my people to wear and release! This is not a place of competition for I have a mantle for each one, I even have more than one for some because they have been faithful. Do not look at other's mantles, but look for the mantle I have set in place for you. Move now, pick up your mantle and run the race I have set before you! Your location is key, your placement is key for the Kingdom. Know this day I have set up Chariots of Fire, Angel Armies, I have encamped around you. There is no place for fear to reside. Fear is a liar and faith must arise. For you must take your place and know that I have you covered! Am I not your covering, says the Lord? Am I not able to accomplish that which I say? Is my hand too short? For I Am the Alpha and the Omega and I will accomplish My will upon the earth through My Prophets and My Priests. I have set a seal upon the hearts of those who belong to Me. They will not waiver. They will walk in signs, wonders and miracles. For the greatest outpouring is yet to come. My grace is available now, do not miss this moment. Do not hesitate to act. For now is the time and My Mantles are available. These mantles are not for personal use, they are for Kingdom assignment. DO NOT MISHANDLE MY MANTLE. For as I freely give, I can freely take away. Now is the time to arise and be positioned. Now is the time to take your place son and daughter. Remove all selfish ambition and agenda and be clothed and garmented with My purpose and My will. You say, you want to be about the Fathers business, well this is the time, so be about My Fathers business. Pick up your Mantle. Take your place. Know that I have your covering of Angel Armies. They shall set their fiery arrows against all who come against My children."
The moment to arise is now. If you want to walk in what the Lord has released, you must arise to see Him. Fear of the unknown or fear of man must not keep you down or paralyzed any longer.
You must reach to pick up the mantle that has been laid out for you. It's your choice whether to act on it or not. It is available and has been released to you. Will you pick it up and act in obedience to the call?
Grow in the wisdom and the skill required of your mantle and do not mishandle what you have been given. Carry it with grace, integrity, and honor. This mantle is for Kingdom use, not for your personal gain or glory.
Press forward to advance the Kingdom and to raise up others to advance with you and after you. Know that My Angel Armies are set in place to help you to advance. Open your eyes to see what I have given you.
"Arise, Act, Accelerate, Advance -for My Mantles and Angel Armies are here and My Grace is available now!"
Krista Lesher-May 8, 2023
My spirit leapt as I awoke. I was amazed and in awe of what I saw! Elijah and Elisha immediately hit my spirit. I grabbed my Bible and began to search out all the places chariots of fire are written. Specifically, Elijah and Elisha. As I was searching scripture, I heard the Lord speak again, “Mantles and Angel Armies”! I could feel the presence of the Lord so strong and a fire in my belly was stirring.
I read II Kings 2 and II Kings 6. Both of these places were specific with the chariots of fire. Elisha received Elijah’s mantle as he watched him taken up in the chariot of fire. The mantle fell and Elisha picked it up. Scripture says he walked in a 'double portion' and did 'double' the miracles as Elijah did. Chariots of fire are also mentioned in chapter 6 where Elisha and his servant become surrounded by the Aramean army. Elisha prays and the Lord opens the servants eyes to see the chariots of fire and horses encamped around them, clearly on their side.
The Lord then began to speak to me of the very date specifically.
May 8, 2023. Number 8 meaning “New Beginnings”
The 5th month, 5 meaning “Grace”.
I knew this marked a day of shifting. This was a day He was releasing mantles upon the earth and there was a grace period to receive what the Lord has released. I believe we are in that window of opportunity right now.
“Now is the Kairos moment” for the Lord says, “my grace is upon you and now is the opportune time to receive all that I have for my people. My people who have sought me in the secret place and cried out for their heritage and for their inheritance, My people who have a pure heart after me, My people I can trust with the pure voice, today is the day, now is the hour to pick up the mantles I have released for my people to wear and release! This is not a place of competition for I have a mantle for each one, I even have more than one for some because they have been faithful. Do not look at other's mantles, but look for the mantle I have set in place for you. Move now, pick up your mantle and run the race I have set before you! Your location is key, your placement is key for the Kingdom. Know this day I have set up Chariots of Fire, Angel Armies, I have encamped around you. There is no place for fear to reside. Fear is a liar and faith must arise. For you must take your place and know that I have you covered! Am I not your covering, says the Lord? Am I not able to accomplish that which I say? Is my hand too short? For I Am the Alpha and the Omega and I will accomplish My will upon the earth through My Prophets and My Priests. I have set a seal upon the hearts of those who belong to Me. They will not waiver. They will walk in signs, wonders and miracles. For the greatest outpouring is yet to come. My grace is available now, do not miss this moment. Do not hesitate to act. For now is the time and My Mantles are available. These mantles are not for personal use, they are for Kingdom assignment. DO NOT MISHANDLE MY MANTLE. For as I freely give, I can freely take away. Now is the time to arise and be positioned. Now is the time to take your place son and daughter. Remove all selfish ambition and agenda and be clothed and garmented with My purpose and My will. You say, you want to be about the Fathers business, well this is the time, so be about My Fathers business. Pick up your Mantle. Take your place. Know that I have your covering of Angel Armies. They shall set their fiery arrows against all who come against My children."
The moment to arise is now. If you want to walk in what the Lord has released, you must arise to see Him. Fear of the unknown or fear of man must not keep you down or paralyzed any longer.
You must reach to pick up the mantle that has been laid out for you. It's your choice whether to act on it or not. It is available and has been released to you. Will you pick it up and act in obedience to the call?
Grow in the wisdom and the skill required of your mantle and do not mishandle what you have been given. Carry it with grace, integrity, and honor. This mantle is for Kingdom use, not for your personal gain or glory.
Press forward to advance the Kingdom and to raise up others to advance with you and after you. Know that My Angel Armies are set in place to help you to advance. Open your eyes to see what I have given you.
"Arise, Act, Accelerate, Advance -for My Mantles and Angel Armies are here and My Grace is available now!"
Krista Lesher-May 8, 2023