Momaws, Mimis, Grammys & Nannys,
When my grandchild was about four months old, I was holding him in my living room on a day that I was babysitting him. I worshipped God by singing to the Lord and praising Him while holding the little guy. He quickly relaxed and laid his head on my shoulder. The worship that came out of me for the Lord came deep from within my spirit. I had a sense we were suddenly in the ‘Courts of Heaven’ and that we had stepped into the presence of the Lord, together.
I was aware we were in the spirit realm, and we were in a heavenly place. I continued singing to the Lord and worshiping Jesus! I was fervently praising Him. It felt like I took my grandson into the ‘Courts of Heaven’, a heavenly place, during that precious moment of praise and worship. It was a spiritual moment, one I'll never forget.
On that day, I believe I made away for my grandchild to enter into the presence of God more easily. I was showing him the way to enter into the ‘Courts of Heaven’ as he grows in his relationship with God, and as he grows in the call that is on his life. As a young man, or maybe as a child, He will find the spiritual door to that place. I had no idea what was happening at the time, but I knew The Lord was in it and He was leading me in this very important task.
I believe the place that we went together was a place of prayer and worship and that it is forever sealed in my grandson's heart. Now, as a man, young man, or as a young child, He will recognize the presence of God and he will recognize when he’s in the 'Courts of Heaven.' He will trust that. He will trust God and trust being in God's presence. Honestly, I believe he will quickly know Who to seek in his life.
God's presence was introduced to him at around four months old. That moment and time is etched forever into his little spirit so that he can fulfill his purpose and destiny, and that he can live in an intimate relationship with God! He will know how to go in and out of heaven and how to enter the ‘Courts of Heaven’ searching for God in whatever purpose that Holy Spirit leads him in, Amen!
When this baby was born, on my way to the hospital or from the hospital (I can’t remember which one), I came up behind a truck that had a sticker on the back window. It said “My grandson is in the Air Force.” I knew The Lord was speaking to me because I felt the nudge of Holy Spirit as I was driving. God said to me, "You will have to run ahead of Him." I did not know what all that meant at the time. I'm still pondering that to be honest. Yet, I know this, that precious moment in my living room was an important part for his future. I ran ahead in the spirit (Air Force) for him and with him to show him the way.
I share this to encourage you in the days you have with your grandchildren. Count it as a special opportunity to instill the things of God into their little spirits. Count your blessings and enjoy every moment of every opportunity God has blessed you with to help shape your legacy. It's really possible, right there in your living room!
It's time to fly,
Anonymous, Mountain Momma