"Our Miracle"
I heard a pastor say that God doesn't get the glory if the testimony isn't told..
Here is our Testimony!
My husband and I tried for almost two years to get pregnant and nothing was happening. I felt too ashamed to ask for help. I felt guilty that my body wasn't doing the one thing it should do naturally. We both prayed and we both struggled. Finally, in January 2023 we got a positive test! However, I couldn't be happy. I just knew something wasn't right. That same month (the week of my birthday) the complications started and we lost our sweet baby in February 2023. It was an ectopic pregnancy.
When I was in the hospital due to the complications, I was in shock and things are kind of blurred to be honest. Yet, I remember being told. "Mrs. Underwood an ectopic pregnancy is very serious. There is no survival rate for the fetus and if it continues to grow it can burst your fallopian tube, can cause organ damage and worst case scenario you can bleed out and die. You need to choose how to terminate this pregnancy." They gave me 2 options, medication or surgical removal.
The wind was knocked out of me. I prayed for this child for almost two years and I have to choose how I want to kill it? I couldn't believe it! I was angry! I was in disbelief! Why would God allow this to happen to me? I told my husband I couldn't give them permission to kill my baby no matter the circumstance. I prayed too hard and long for this. I couldn't bring myself to do it. If God was going to put me through this, He was going to get me through it. I believed that. We agreed to wait another night in the hospital under observation to see how my body would respond. I had so many great people praying for us. That morning my body decided to terminate the pregnancy on its own. They saw the tiny blood clots throughout my uterus. I was relieved, yet I was devastated. The mixed emotions I felt during all of this was insane and something I can never fully explain. I spent months drowning in anxiety and depression. It was the hardest time for my husband and me, but I am so thankful to have a wonderful husband who stood by my side through it all and constantly encouraged me.
In October 2023, I was diagnosed with PCOS. Once again, I was hit hard with discouragement in ever having a family of my own. I just started to get back on my feet and back on track in my faith. We were brokenhearted. That same day Nik Walker Ministries held a conference in Charleston< WV. I explained to my husband that I didn't know what else to do. I need God to fix this. I have great desire to be a mommy. I cannot believe this is our fate.
I went to the conference praying and arguing with God through every session. "God, tell me this is not the end. Give me a sign that you are faithful. Call me out in front of everyone (though I would be embarrassed) I do not care! I just need to know why I want to be a mommy so bad and you're not letting it happen? Tell me, are you going to give me the one thing that I so desperately want?! Or is this all for nothing?" I was desperate. I was exposed.
On October 28, 2023, a youth pastor named Matt Hutchinson preached about David and Goliath in a way I never heard. It gave me a new perspective to a story that I have been told a thousand times. After he finished his sermon, he interceded and prayed. Then he started to prophesy! He told the story of Elijah, where he met a woman who learned to live with disappointment. He asked the woman if there was anything she needed and she replied, "No, I'm okay." Her servant spoke up for her and told Elisha that she hadn't been able to birth a child. Elisha prayed with her and that same woman gave birth to a son! Pastor Matt continued to say that there was someone in the room that has learned to live with disappointment and has a heavy heart and a burden for a promise. A child that has been taken away through unexpected news. "Your time is coming," he said. "This time next year you will give birth to your promise. The Child which God has promised you."
WOW! I broke down in tears. These weren't the same kind of tears I've been crying for the last year. These tears were tears of joy and new hope. My prayer after that was simply, "Thank you God for your promises. Thank you for my baby!"
>January 23rd 2024 (my birthday) I got a positive test!
>April 2024, we found out it was a Boy!
>September 12th, 2024 (my moms birthday) our Miracle was born!
I am beyond grateful for my Husband who never left my side and fought this battle with me. You are my rock. I am beyond thankful to have a prayer warrior for a Mom, who I know carried this burden too. We have all been blessed. God never backs away from his promises!
Jackson Tate, you are our Miracle. You are proof that God is real and he will never leave you without! I know that you will grow up to do mighty things for Christ. I love you with all my heart
Thank you to everyone who stood with us in prayer.
Luke 1:45, "Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord."
Only Believe!
BreAnn Underwood